Tips & Instructions for Submitting your

eDesign Information

Now that you’ve completed your eDesign questionnaire, we’ll need your room information so that we can put together the perfect design plan for your space. Here’s what we’d like you to send:

  • Photos and/or videos of your space

  • Inspiration images

  • Room measurements

We’ll go through each of these items below. Please reach out to us with questions at any time to

Step 1: Take photos of your space

With your phone, snap some photos. Be sure to capture all angles of the room, starting in one corner and working your way around the space. Taking a video walk-through of the room is also very helpful for us to visualize the layout. Five to eight photos is usually enough for a straight-forward room: open-concept spaces and rooms with more details may need more photographs. Here are a few things to remember when taking your photos:

  • Shoot with as much natural light as possible. Open the drapes and take your photos on a bright day (but avoid taking photos when the sun is streaming directly in).

  • Take photos in landscape mode whenever possible.

  • Make sure the flash on your phone is off.

  • Turn off all overhead lights and lamps if you can. Artificial lighting can alter the colours in a room.

Next, take photos of the pieces that you plan to keep in the space. If possible, also send us website links to the pieces you’re planning to keep: this helps us to add them into our concepts board so you can better visualize how everything will look together.

Next, upload your photos to a photo-sharing app.

We recommend using Google Photos to upload your photos, but you’re welcome to use whatever photo-sharing app you prefer. Google Photos is an app you can download on your phone, then easily upload your room photos once you’re ready. Follow the instructions in the images below if you’re new to Google Photos. After you’ve uploaded your photos to an album within Google Photos, you’ll be able to create a unique URL that will link to your photos. For the two-room package, please create one album for each space. You will be able to create a URL for each album, and include the links in your email to us.

Step 2: Create an inspiration board on Pinterest or Houzz

Sharing pictures of spaces that inspire you is so helpful for us to understand your style and vision for your space. You’re welcome to submit an inspiration board in any form and on any platform, but we find most people prefer creating theirs on Pinterest: a free and easy-to-use app on your phone or computer. Once you’ve signed up, create a board and share the URL in your questionnaire. See the images below for instructions if you haven’t used Pinterest before. Please try to limit your inspiration board to 5-10 images that best represent how you’d like your room to look and feel. If you prefer not to use one of the above platforms, you can send us your images via email using a photo-sharing app.

Step 3: Measure your room

Lastly, we’ll need measurements of your room. This doesn’t need to be done using complicated drafting software: a hand-drawn floor plan like the example shown below is just fine. Be sure to include dimensions for walls, doorways, windows and ceiling heights as well as any relevant architectural details like wainscoting or chair rail heights.

Also list the dimensions of any furniture pieces you’re keeping and want included in the room design. If you’re wanting window treatment recommendations, please include specific measurements about your windows (including width, height, sill height and distance between the window and the ceiling).

Example of how to measure room for eDesign project

That’s it! Please email the above information to

We’ll confirm that we’ve received your edesign questionnaire and the above info, and let you know if we need anything further. Then we’re off to work our magic!

If you don’t receive a confirmation email from us within two business days, check your spam folder, then send an email to